Phillip and Donovan hung out at the playground all afternoon. There is a little track with lots and lots of exercise equipment on the inside of it. The whole thing is surrounded by trees. It looks like a park in New York City. It's very cool to watch the Chinese. You know at home when we go to the park, the adults usually just kind of hang out and chat while our kids play. In China, the adults play on the equipment as well! We've also decided that no matter where you go in the world, all boys are the same! Yesterday we saw a little boy about Donovan's age and he had stuck two volleyballs down the front of his shirt. He was just dying laughing and his mom was pointing her finger at him, scolding him in Chinese!
Tonight we ate at La Dolce Vita, an Italian restaurant on the island. I never thought I'd have to go to China to get the best Italian food I've ever had in my life! The chef was Italian. Delicioso!! Quinn at most of Alex's gnocchi, some bruschetta, and some of Donovan's spaghetti. She is a true Asbell!!
Quinn is starting to warm up to Phillip now. She's never been around men before, so it was a slow start. They are playing with her stacking cups right now and she is laughing, smiling and drooling!! We have three more days to go! Tomorrow we travel to a Buddhist Temple, where they will bless the babies. I'm really excited about this. Hope you all are doing well. We heard it's snowing a little back home.
Alex attended a tea ceremony today. Apparently they don't drink it for the caffeine jolt like I do......
Alex said that the first pot of tea they dump out to cleanse the tea first, and then they steep fresh water in the tea again. The whole process takes a long time.
I included a picture of the walking section of the city. If you ever go to China, make sure you don't go dowtown on the weekend. Just look at this picture taken outside the McDonalds and you'll see. This is how the grocery store was yesterday too!
MK - Did you have fun at Aunt Cindy's house? You are probably at grandma's right now! I can't wait to see you!! I miss you soooooooooooooooooo much!! I LOVE YOU!!

Great Pictures. I bet you can't wait to get home. It is so exciting to see your journey. God Bless and take care...Oh...pick me up Chinese newspaper.
Jesus said, "Let the little children com to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".
Hey Asbell Family - Hello from the McGuires. I finally figured out how to post a comment. Quinn is absolutely beautiful! It is so nice that you have the time to bond before you come home. Can't wait to see her. You have had such an amazing journey. I'll bet M.K. can't wait to see her. Take care and God bless all of you. Marcia
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