Life is Good!
Today was the offical Red Couch photos at the White Swan Hotel. When babies are getting ready to go home to America, the travel groups get together and take a photo of their babies on this red couch in the hotel. They've been doing it for years. Our group this year had seven babies in it; five girls and two boys. Two of the girls are Donguang babies; ours and the Maclers. (Dongguan is the city they come from.) All the babies wore their traditional Chinese dress for the pictures. I was picturing mayhem breaking out....babies crying and puking and pooping.....moms freaking out.....BUT....the babies were all very calm, good natured and it was a snap. I guess the little ones are saving the good stuff for the flight home. Please pray for our family during the flight.....we'll need it. China has been so much fun, and we've learned so much about an absolutely fascinating culture. The people really care about each other, and I'm glad they opened up their doors for us.
Tomorrow Quinn will officially become a citizen of the United States of America.....That sounds soo cool!
Her swearing in ceremony is tomorrow at 2:45 p.m. That will be 1:45 a.m. your time. I will put photos in our final post from China tomorrow evening.
MK - I'll be home in 2 days!! Can you believe it? We'll all be home and you'll have a new sister to play with! I miss you more than the moon and stars girlie girl!

Dongguan Chicks Rule!

Red Couch Photo - FTIA Kids
They look thrilled to be there!

FTIA Travel Group
For more information on international adoption, visit ftia.org