Sorry for the late post, but the last six days have been a blur. It's hard to believe we've already been home that long!
The flight home was pretty uneventful...thank goodness. We had a brief meltdown on the tarmack in Tokyo (baby, not us), and we were stopped by security in China twice, bags unpacked, etc. and once in Tokyo. We must look shady! I was almost in tears in China, because there is absolutely nothing scarier than Chinese security. Communist country....they don't smile at you.....or speak English.....military uniforms.....uggh! Thank goodness for our wonderful guide Helen, for helping us through it all!!! I will miss her more than anything! She became a good friend to Phillip and me.
Quinn was excellent on the flight to America. The plane was a big airbus, and there was hardly anyone on board; except a few adopting parents and an Italian soccer team. Thanksgiving is the day to fly!!
We were greeted at the airport by my parents, grandparents and MaryKatherine. It was beautiful to see them all, and I swear MK grew when we were gone!! She had a loose tooth the whole time we were gone and lost it a day after we got home. I was so glad to be here to see her lose her first tooth!!
As soon as we landed on US soil, Elizabeth Quinn Yu became a US citizen. That sounds so good to my ears!
She is doing very well at home, exploring her new house, and learning that in Indiana, we MUST wear warm clothes in December. She's beginning to tolerate baths; no more screaming bloody murder....She LOVES her brothers, sister and her daddy! Last night was amazing. We were getting ready for dinner, and Quinn ran into the kitchen and right to her daddy. She was freely giving hugs and kisses to everybody! We are so blessed by this little one.
I will continue posting weekly, and hope you all still follow our journey. It's been an amazing, remarkable one.
I'm so glad allis going well. I'm glad you posted again I was begginning to get blog withdrawls. ha ha. I have follwed you for so long it hoping you would continue. Can't wait to see her in person
Welcome home!!! Can people follow your blog?
Kathy T
You'rs is losing teeth and mine is finally growing some! Cute family, Kathy :)
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