Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas - 2008!

Christmas morning!

Our Forever Family!

What an amazing month it has been! I think back to the last six weeks, and it's been like a huge whirlwind!

Quinn is adjusting very well to her new family, and the kids love her very much. It's like a piece has been missing in our lives for very long time, and now we are complete! I DO feel like an old lady compared to the last time I had a little one. Technically I am now old enough to be Quinn's grandmother!! But it's worth it!!

I hope everyone following our blog has a successful 2009, and you all fulfill your dreams! Quinn started off as a dream to Phillip and me 2 1/2 years ago.........

Love to all!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been!




Sorry for the late post, but the last six days have been a blur. It's hard to believe we've already been home that long!
The flight home was pretty uneventful...thank goodness. We had a brief meltdown on the tarmack in Tokyo (baby, not us), and we were stopped by security in China twice, bags unpacked, etc. and once in Tokyo. We must look shady! I was almost in tears in China, because there is absolutely nothing scarier than Chinese security. Communist country....they don't smile at you.....or speak English.....military uniforms.....uggh! Thank goodness for our wonderful guide Helen, for helping us through it all!!! I will miss her more than anything! She became a good friend to Phillip and me.
Quinn was excellent on the flight to America. The plane was a big airbus, and there was hardly anyone on board; except a few adopting parents and an Italian soccer team. Thanksgiving is the day to fly!!
We were greeted at the airport by my parents, grandparents and MaryKatherine. It was beautiful to see them all, and I swear MK grew when we were gone!! She had a loose tooth the whole time we were gone and lost it a day after we got home. I was so glad to be here to see her lose her first tooth!!
As soon as we landed on US soil, Elizabeth Quinn Yu became a US citizen. That sounds so good to my ears!
She is doing very well at home, exploring her new house, and learning that in Indiana, we MUST wear warm clothes in December. She's beginning to tolerate baths; no more screaming bloody murder....She LOVES her brothers, sister and her daddy! Last night was amazing. We were getting ready for dinner, and Quinn ran into the kitchen and right to her daddy. She was freely giving hugs and kisses to everybody! We are so blessed by this little one.
I will continue posting weekly, and hope you all still follow our journey. It's been an amazing, remarkable one.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Leavin on a Jet Plane.....

We came with three suitcases. We are leaving with five suitcases and a baby!! The suitcases say "Samsonitesan" on them. They were knock-offs, but as long as they make it home I'm ok with that. It's been an unbelievable journey for our whole family. We've spent two weeks in a culture with deep, deep roots in tradition; and ultra respect for the elderly. We have had an amazing adventure in China. Donovan wants to come back. He told me this evening that when he grows up he wants to adopt a baby. Looking at him playing with his sister 24-7, I believe he will do just that when he grows up. Quinn really likes Alex too. She calls him "Ai-Ai". Each day we've been with Quinn it's been remarkable to see how she grows developmentally. In just 10 days she has gone from a child who either cried or was "flat", to a child who has a gut-busting laugh and gives kisses freely. We truly have been blessed by God. There's no feeling in the world quite like having three biological children, and then be lucky enough to have another child! (Or maybe we are just nuts!)
Today our family stood in front of a representative of the US Embassy in Guangzhou, China and put up our right hand and took an oath that we would care for this child and that she will be a United States Citizen when we touch down at Detroit International Airport. I had a huge lump in my throat thinking about how dramatically this little girl's life has changed in 18 months. I'm so excited about our future together, and hopefully I won't mess her up too much!! :)
Thank you all for following our blog. It has been wonderful reading all your messages. It has gotten us through so much! Even though this experience has been the best ever, we've all been a little homesick. Thank you all. America, here we come!!

MK- We're almost home sweetie!! We love you!!
Mom, Dad, Alex, Donovan, and Quinn

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Red Couch Beauties!

Life is Good!
Today was the offical Red Couch photos at the White Swan Hotel. When babies are getting ready to go home to America, the travel groups get together and take a photo of their babies on this red couch in the hotel. They've been doing it for years. Our group this year had seven babies in it; five girls and two boys. Two of the girls are Donguang babies; ours and the Maclers. (Dongguan is the city they come from.) All the babies wore their traditional Chinese dress for the pictures. I was picturing mayhem breaking out....babies crying and puking and pooping.....moms freaking out.....BUT....the babies were all very calm, good natured and it was a snap. I guess the little ones are saving the good stuff for the flight home. Please pray for our family during the flight.....we'll need it. China has been so much fun, and we've learned so much about an absolutely fascinating culture. The people really care about each other, and I'm glad they opened up their doors for us.
Tomorrow Quinn will officially become a citizen of the United States of America.....That sounds soo cool!
Her swearing in ceremony is tomorrow at 2:45 p.m. That will be 1:45 a.m. your time. I will put photos in our final post from China tomorrow evening.
MK - I'll be home in 2 days!! Can you believe it? We'll all be home and you'll have a new sister to play with! I miss you more than the moon and stars girlie girl!
Dongguan Chicks Rule!

Red Couch Photo - FTIA Kids
They look thrilled to be there!

FTIA Travel Group

For more information on international adoption, visit

Monday, November 24, 2008

Buddhist Blessings

Our FTIA travel group visited the Six Banyan Trees Temple today, a Buddhist temple in Guangzhou. It was amazing. The monks named the temple due to the six banyan trees that used to surround the grounds. They all died hundreds of years ago. They were replaced by two beautiful banyan trees that were planted over 250 years ago!
The ceremony was truly amazing! We first lit three incense sticks signifying the past, present and future. We bowed three times and were asked to make three prayers, then place the incense into an area where they stay lit until they burn out. The babies were blessed by a Buddhist monk for good health, and although I had no idea what he was saying, the place was truly spiritual. I felt God's presence all around us.
Our guide Helen told us today that the top four religions in China are as follows:
1. Buddhism
2. Taoism
3. Christianity
4. Catholicism
When we get home I'll post the ceremony on our blog. Phillip taped it.
After the ceremony we went to the Chen Family Temple. They were a wealthy family in China, and several years ago their home was donated to the country of China. It is now a folk art museum. Artists are there making fans, scrolls, chops, and selling all kinds of souvenirs. Outside the gates were what looked like Chinese minority groups selling fruits and herbs. We bought some Dragon Eye fruit outside the gate. They taste like cherries, but have a black, waxy pit in the middle resembling a dragons eye. We had them on the breakfast buffet one day last week, and the Asbell clan ate them all and they haven't had them on the buffet since!! So, we had to buy our own! :)

Tomorrow we take our group pictures with all of our China babies on the "red couch" at the White Swan Hotel. We'll get Quinn dressed up in her traditional Chinese dress. All babies have their pictures taken there on their last days in China.
Until tomorrow!!!
MK - In 3 more days we'll be home!! Woo Hoo!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Back to the Pearl Market

So, we went back today to the Pearl Market. It was insane. Last week I didn't really buy much, but today I was prepared. I walked right in, told them what I wanted and I was done. I don't know if I said this earlier or not, but they hand thread each bead with a knot between them, so if you break your necklace the beads won't fly all over the place. I came out with several pearl necklaces and some earrings. Easy cheesy....

Phillip and Donovan hung out at the playground all afternoon. There is a little track with lots and lots of exercise equipment on the inside of it. The whole thing is surrounded by trees. It looks like a park in New York City. It's very cool to watch the Chinese. You know at home when we go to the park, the adults usually just kind of hang out and chat while our kids play. In China, the adults play on the equipment as well! We've also decided that no matter where you go in the world, all boys are the same! Yesterday we saw a little boy about Donovan's age and he had stuck two volleyballs down the front of his shirt. He was just dying laughing and his mom was pointing her finger at him, scolding him in Chinese!
Tonight we ate at La Dolce Vita, an Italian restaurant on the island. I never thought I'd have to go to China to get the best Italian food I've ever had in my life! The chef was Italian. Delicioso!! Quinn at most of Alex's gnocchi, some bruschetta, and some of Donovan's spaghetti. She is a true Asbell!!
Quinn is starting to warm up to Phillip now. She's never been around men before, so it was a slow start. They are playing with her stacking cups right now and she is laughing, smiling and drooling!! We have three more days to go! Tomorrow we travel to a Buddhist Temple, where they will bless the babies. I'm really excited about this. Hope you all are doing well. We heard it's snowing a little back home.
Alex attended a tea ceremony today. Apparently they don't drink it for the caffeine jolt like I do......
Alex said that the first pot of tea they dump out to cleanse the tea first, and then they steep fresh water in the tea again. The whole process takes a long time.
I included a picture of the walking section of the city. If you ever go to China, make sure you don't go dowtown on the weekend. Just look at this picture taken outside the McDonalds and you'll see. This is how the grocery store was yesterday too!
MK - Did you have fun at Aunt Cindy's house? You are probably at grandma's right now! I can't wait to see you!! I miss you soooooooooooooooooo much!! I LOVE YOU!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Grocery Shopping in Guangzhou

We had a free day today, so we slept in, at breakfast, played in the park and went to the grocery store. We hopped a cab from the hotel and took it to a store called Carrefore. That was the store we went to the other day. The store is three stories tall. Close your eyes and picture this: casino noises mixed with Chinese pop music; add literally thousands of non-English speaking Chinese and add one family from America. The people were very polite. The kids loved it because there were free samples at every aisle. Every thing was written in Chinese, so we tried our best to look for labels liket home. The kids got Chinese Doritos....good! They had french-chicken flavored Lays potato chips. You could buy fresh noodles, dim sum, and lots of lots of meats like I described the other day. Today we settled on chicken feet, roasted duck, dried lechees and mango, chicken and stinky fruit. The stinky fruit is illegal to have on buses. It has the texture of a rich custard but tastes like rotten onions. We each took a bite, and then Phillip took it out of the building and put it in the trash cans where the fish tanks from the Chinese restaurant are located.
Quinn has been smiling all day long. She is becoming a very outgoing girl. Her personality is shining. She is very independent and has a temper when things don't go her way......That's my girl!
MK- You would have grossed out on dinner tonight. The room smelled really bad, kind of like when daddy eats beans. Daddy went to the 7-Eleven and got me some Chips Ahoy. I wish you were here to eat them with me. When I get home we'll stay up late and eat cookies and milk!! We can watch a movie and paint our nails!! I miss you more than anything little girl. If I could leave tomorrow and come home I would in a heartbeat. I love you more than the moon and stars girlie girl! I LOVE YOU!!!! I'm giving you a hug and kiss right now!!
Hey Baby Girl, this is Dad. I miss you so much! I wish I were there to swing you by your feet and make you an airplane and play I-Spy. I can't wait to do that when I get home!
I love you,

Friday, November 21, 2008

A Sad Day

We went to Quinn's orphanage today. I took several pictures, but am only including one photo today. The empty bed is where Quinn stayed. I know they were very good to her. When we entered the orphanage the nannies all greeted her by name. They fed her congee with chicken while we were there. The bowl they fed her was the size of a large dog food bowl and she ate the whole thing! This girl eats like this all the time. She going to fit in well with the rest of the eaters in this family.

The orphanage was very clean. The workers were very nice. Most of the children in this orphanage have mild disabilities; cleft lips, heart conditions. The orphanage director took us on a tour of the building. I could tell the children were well cared for; however, they were all so quiet. In one of the baby rooms, the cribs were all full of babies, but they didn't cry or make any sound. They were just "flat". Quinn was like that the day we received her. In fact, when we went back in to the orphanage she was like that again. She wouldn't let any of the nannies hold her. We didn't go to Quinn's finding spot because it was an hour away and the driver wasn't familiar with the area. Her finding spot was just west of Hong Kong in a city called Shen Shueng. It was very remote, so I believe her birth mother was from that area. She was found in a car repair shop; you know the the old gas stations where you could get your oil changed? Our guide Helen showed us a typical car repair shop and it just an old shack with a corrugated tin roof, dirt floor with laundry hanging out front. It was really sad. Sad that a mother was that desperate and that leaving her newborn at the car repair factory was her only choice in life, and sad to think my daughter was lying out there all alone for God knows how long. I believe her birth mother must have been poor and she couldn't afford Quinn's surgery. She was just one day old; with her umbilical cord still attached. I'm glad God led her to us though. It's just amazing how all along He has known this little girl was going to find her family across an ocean and a continent. It makes me choke up thinking about it. (Read the ancient Chinese Proverb at the top of our blog.) It was a very good day and a testament of how good God is, but I'm still very emotional about it. I love the people of China because they are so gracious, welcoming and kind. In fact, Phillip and I would love to come back to China someday with Quinn and MK. I also wanted to include one more picture. This one is of Quinn and I on the rocking horse her referral picture is take on. (See the top picture of our blog.) It's kind of like a before and after! I miss you all at home and love hearing all your messages to us. We love it!!
MK - Your sister loves hats and bows! We are going to have sooo much fun shopping for her! She likes shoes just like you!! You two were meant to be sisters, that's for sure! I love you more than the moon and stars girl!
Mom and Dad

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Getting So Much Better All The Time

Each day with Quinn is like watching a flower open up. She is coming around and is full of life. Her personality is very outgoing and she has really taken a shine to Donovan. He spends so much time with her. I can't wait for MK to meet her. I know those two will hit it off. Tomorrow we will be going to Quinn's orphanage and her finding spot; the spot where she was found abandoned. I'm sure it will be a very emotional day, but I feel I need to see where she was raised for the first 18 months of her life. I also feel that I will have some sort of closure in my overactive brain.

Today has been a great day for all of us. Helen, our guide took us to White Cloud Mountain and we visited a beautiful park. The Chinese exercise....a lot!! Their whole culture is based on a healthy lifestyle. Elderly people and young people alike are out in the park each morning doing Tai Chi. They meditate, fish and play cards at lunch. They drink herbs to heal their ailments. (They use Western medicines as well.) Some people even take naps during their lunch break! That would be a great addition to the middle school lounge....a napping room! Anyway, the park has beautifully landscaped walking paths, with water features all over the place. Very zenlike. I've included pictures of our visit. Have a great day!! Kathi
ps. I used my first squatty potty today...FUN!