Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hello Dolly

We wrapped up Hello Dolly this past weekend. It was amazing to see three of my babies involved in such a fantastic play!! Alex played Barnaby, a teen who works in a hay and feed store and the little ones played children in the chorus. They all had so much fun. Phillip went nearly every night to the performances and Quinn knows each and every song. We have started every morning for the last eight weeks watching Barbara Streisand in her rendetion of the musical. Alex is very talented, and was very funny! I will add video clips as I get them.
By the way, my son is now a driver! He has his permit and I make him drive everywhere! So, he will get his actual drivers license when he is 16 and six months. Until then, he drives with us onboard. He will be an official driver in October of his junior year.
Donovan's baseball team is in the championship game tonight. He has done a fantastic job considering he has been hit in the "jewels" three times now. However, he did get to walk to first because of it.
MK has a swim meet tonight with Frankfort, and both of the little ones will swim on Thursday against Danville. Busy, busy times!
Quinn's lip is healing really well and it looks amazing!

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