Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rain, Rain, Go Away!

We're trapped like rats today because of the rain. Quinn and I have started this habit (good habit) of eating our lunch, putting her in the jog stroller, and we go, go go! I've put on several pounds since being home with Quinn, so now I'm fighting to get them off...ugh!
We've been averaging 2-3 miles each day. My problem is that I eat...alot....what can I say? I'm a food lover!!
I go back to work in a little over a month now. I'm axious...about going back to work. I've enjoyed staying home with Quinn all this time, but know that I NEED to work...for my sanity.
I DO miss my colleagues.
Today I finished my book club book by Wally Lamb: The Hour I First Believed.
I recommend it. Very good.
We celbrated Chinese New Year by visiting the library. They had festivities going on. Our local paper was there and snapped a picture of Quinn, MK, and myself. It was a "no-makeup" day for me, so the picture was quite flattering....NOT! The festivities were lots of fun though.
Today Q and I visited the library for the mommy and me program. I love to watch her around other children. She is fascinated by markers, glue, scissors. I don't think she ever played with toys or anything until this past November when she came home to us. The things I take for granted she is enamored over.
At this point in time she really loves:
. the cat
. the cat's catfood ( I am always taking it out of her mouth.)
. the stairs
. meat....any kind
. tuna mixed with macaroni and cheese
. tomatoes
. corn, peas, mashed potatoes
. hummus and flatbread
. anything starchy (bread, rice, cereal)
. riding in a car
. riding in a stroller
. loud, louder and loudest toys
. Debbie Scott
. her squeaky shoes
. laying on daddy's chest
. her siblings
. makeup (her sister is always giving her makeovers.)
. my nose

At this point, these are the things she doesn't like.
. scrambled eggs
. canned spinach
. strangers
I'm hoping that's as big as the dislike list gets.
I'm trying to figure out how to upload video, but I do have some updated pictures I'll post later.

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