Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Olympics are Awesome!

so...the opening ceremonies were the other night. It was amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I've taped the opening ceremony for Quinn. I know it's silly, but I thought someday she would enjoy seeing it. When she is older, I will tell her that the "Olympics were in Beijing the same year we came to get you in China." It really makes me miss her even more. A lady from our yahoo group will be traveling to the orphanage soon and is going to take pictures of Quinn. I can't wait to see them.
Quinn - You would have loved playing cheerleader with MaryKatherine and me last night. We did cartwheels, somersaults and cheerleading stunts. MaryKatherine was perfect! It would have been even better if you could have been there with us. You are going to be spoiled by your sister! She has already asked if she can dress you every day. Watch out! You will be unique and eclectic every day! I hope you like pink.

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