Sunday, October 7, 2007


Aaaarrrrgghhhh!!! It looks as if this month's referral batch only went up to November 30, 2005. At this rate I'll be at least 43 when Elizabeth comes home. I'm trying to stay positive and think that our baby is just not ready yet. I hope and pray that referrals speed up for the 2006 year. We're in it for the long run. I just keep telling myself that it gives us more time to save, finish projects, spend extra time with the three kids we have, etc. When it happens it will be joyous and hopefully I'll forget about all the stress this is creating in my mind. On a positive note, Alex just finished cross country season. He shaved almost two minutes off his time from the beginning to the end of the season. It was awesome to watch him run. Donovan is practicing his dribbling for basketball; which begins in November. MK is becoming my clone. She has decided she wants to let her grow like mine and she wants to be a teacher. I love it!!

1 comment:

redmaryjanes said...

It has been tough to see these very short referral lists. It's got to speed up.