Our DTC (Dossier To China) group began a postcard swap recently. We will be exchanging postcards with other adopting parents of Chinese daughters and sons from all over the United States and Europe. The purpose of the exchange is to help us occupy our time until our referrals come. A referral is when our adoption agency sends us a picture and medical history of our little girl and we say "YES!" The other reason for the swap is to meet other adopting parents who might potentially be travelling with us. Should be exciting.
Looks like we have had a similar timeframe. I didn't sign up for the postcard swap but I did for the secret exchange should be fun. I am working today to get all my links for people in our group on my blog. Thanks for the link.
Lisa Z
Hi there! I saw your blog listed on the January 2007 Yahoo group bloglist and low and behold, I'm on your blog! I would really like to get to know some of the families better that are on our same timeline. Drop by my blog anytime! I'd like to get to know you, you have a beautiful family.
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