Boo Hoo - My Mother's Day Willow Tree..10 years old. :(

Frozen berries on John's trees across the street

The McKim Observatory - Beautiful no matter what the weather holds.

Me - Beautiful no matter what the weather holds! :)

Alex - Spending as much time with him as I can....Two more years and he's gone..
We have been battered by an ice storm. Two days off of school so far, and the kids have been pretty well behaved.......so far. (It's still 8:30 a.m. and only one of them is up.)
Yesterday Alex and I walked to the dentist over by Kroger. Our car is frozen solid, and currently Henning's tree is in our driveway.
So far, we've lost the Willow tree, and many large branches from some of the older trees. This pleases me, since they were rotting and needed to come down anyway. However, there are just as many mangled ones dangling up there in the tree now.
It was so quiet walking to the dentist yesterday. Like today, yesterday there weren't any cars on the road, so it was peaceful. You could hear his high school bells ringing from over a mile away.
We took lots of pics on our one mile hike to the dentist, and I didn't even have a cavity!