
Gotcha Day, November 17th, 2010. Two years with her family!

The Northwood 'hood.
Riff-Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Harry Potter takes flight.

Our little Cheerleader and scary but beautiful vampire!

The Northwood 'hood.
Riff-Raff from Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Harry Potter takes flight.
Happy 8th Birthday MK!
It's been a while since my last post. Our computer was not working, and I didn't want to post from work or on our laptop...But, now the computer is fixed and I'm back in action again!!
My last post was in July, and we've celebrated a birthday, a Gotcha Day, and Halloween. I've almost lost my grandmother to cancer. My grandma was an amazing woman and my mentor in "How to live life"....which was basically be a friend to others, be a patient wife (still working on that one), and have fun with the life you have...So, I'm a work in progress right now. :)
MK turned 8 in September and had lots of friends over. We had a real tea party complete with Bristish tea, (which is what we drink on a daily basis at our home) tea sandwiches, (egg salad, cream cheese and jelly, cream cheese and cucumber) and a six layer strawberry cake. It was yummy. MK is growing up, becoming a beautiful young lady, and looked stunning in her black and white dress.
Gotcha Day was emotional as always, because I always feel extremely blessed that things worked out the way they did with Quinn. She has been home two years as of Thanksgiving (with us since November 17th), and I truly believe God handpicked that little girl for us. She is hilarious, mischevious, and SMART.
Lastly, Halloween was once again lots of fun. We held our yearly, family party and had lots of food and fun. I look forward to this time together every year with my family.